Getting Started with Pickleball
Know the basics.
Games are to 11 points. Typically 2 players vs 2 players but it can be 1v1.
The server starts on the right side and serves diagonally after saying 0,0, 2 - which means 0 points to 0 points and it is the 2nd serve since the first serve starts with just 1 serve before switching sides.
The serve should be hit around the persons waist. Hit your serve deep, and in the middle of the service box. Hit your service return deep in the middle of the court or at the person.
Come to the Kitchen Line: Just block the ball as if your paddle is a wall.
The main goal in Pickleball (besides getting to 11) is to get to the ‘kitchen’. The first team/person to the ‘kitchen’ has the greatest probability of winning the point. Therefore, when you move from the back-court to the net, right before your opponent hits the ball, make a small jump forward, stopping with your feet shoulders distance apart, and in your ready position.
Not at the Kitchen Line: Swing low-to-high
When hitting a forward or backhand, start your swing with the paddle head below the point of contact with the ball, and finish with the paddle head over your shoulder. This will generate the correct spin on the ball so you can hit harder and keep the ball in.
Keep the ball in play
The game of Pickleball is won by who keeps the ball in the most and make the least mistakes.
Less is more
Don’t add more motion to your swing than needed. Keep your body loose.
Don’t try for a winner off a winner
Stay down, and flex your knees
Whenever you hit the ball, your knees should be flexed.
Hitting your serve and return-of-serve
Both your serve and return of serve should be in and deep. The reason to keep the serve and return of serve deep is to make it harder for your opponents to get to the ‘kitchen’. When Serving: Remember to leave the wrist loose and then snap it forward.
Serving Rules:
No tossing ball up. Must leave in a downward motion
Ball must be hit at or below the top of the hip
Buy some cheap paddles off Amazon to get started and then work your way up to get a nicer paddle after you have played a few times. Drop in at some local courts and ask if you can join or figure out where the best courts are to get started.
Hope this helps.