
Embrace the mundane.
The next breakthroughs will be when these rich paradigms are applied to increasingly quotidian and pervasive areas of our daily experience and extended into the physical infrastructure around us. At this point, it is much more interesting to see mobile feedback and data visualization applied to mass transit than to sharing playlists. It is in areas like energy and health care where these interaction models will have the most pull, exposing at the surface level much more fundamental transformations in our basic, physical infrastructure that are sorely needed.
Don't buy into the hype.
Don't get distracted by the hype surrounding Google and Apple, Facebook and Twitter, or Android and iPhone. It is time to get out of that game, with technologies like HTML 5 pointing the way. Getting your data onto a single platform is not going to win you any awards. Smart companies are turning their products into services that are broadly distributed, where the value is in the relationship, not a single device. As that continues, we will see the balance of power in innovation shift back to corporations and startups that own these services and away from design agencies that merely extend their reach to the next novel device or platform.
Look past the screen.
As we switch to a more service-oriented ecosystem, interaction design must extend its reach beyond the screen, beyond interactive media and digital information.